# GreenHub
Use GitHub as a Continuous Deployment Engine to Game Platforms using Electron and Cordova.
# Tasks
- [x] Setup Template Repo
- [x] Setup GitHub Actions to build Electron binaries
  - store as a release
- [ ] Setup Deployment Actions
  - Itch
- [ ] Ensure overlay works
- [ ] Documentation/Examples
# References
# Story
A developer commits a bunch of client files to the repo which triggers GitHub Actions that build and deploy their configured binaries to Itch/Steam/Where-ever
# Quick Stare
    - [ ] Clone this Template Repository
    - [ ] Click actions on your new repository
    - [ ] Note it already building a release for you
# Quick Start
    - [ ] Commit your website's code in the `www` directory on GitHub, try out the drag n' drop features!
    - [ ] ???
    - [ ] Download the releases
# Space Magic Integration to
    - [ ] Add `SECRETS` to your github repository
- name: Deploy to itch
  uses: josephbmanley/butler-publish-itchio-action@master
    CHANNEL: browser
    ITCH_GAME: ${{ secrets.ITCH_GAME }}
    ITCH_USER: ${{ secrets.ITCH_USER }}
    PACKAGE: www
    - [ ] ???
    - [ ] Its released!